AFTA joins many in their tears of relief at the historic guilty verdict of a police officer who was responsible for the murder of a Black man, a scenario that has been far too common in our nation. It is our hope that this week's verdict can bring some level of peace to George Floyd's family in particular and to society at large. This does not change the ongoing need for comprehensive change in our society, but it is a step in the right direction.
Justice will require a long-term structural change to state-sanctioned violence against Black and Brown individuals and communities to restore trust and a sense of security across the nation. AFTA denounces racism and police brutality and joins in the call for a civilian review of police to reimagine public safety in the US. Continued accountability is needed.
Our organization has and will continue to stand up against the hateful rhetoric and actions that have become far too commonplace in our society.
Thank you for your continued support.