2025 Annual Conference
American Family Therapy Academy
47th Virtual Annual Meeting and Open Conference
Systemic Therapy, Research, and Education in the Age of Technology and AI 
Online Platform|Asynchronous: May 27 - 29|LIVE Online: May 30 & 31

Conference Theme

The world is quickly changing.

In an era defined by rapid technological advancement and the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), systemic therapy, research, and education face unprecedented challenges and extraordinary opportunities.

AFTA’s 47th Annual Conference, which will be held online virtually in May 2025, will serve as a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue to explore the intersection of systemic therapy and the human experience, technological innovations, and AI. We aim to navigate the complexities of integrating these unavoidable advancements into our practices, training, and research in socially responsible ways and leveraging them to enhance our society's mental and relational health and well-being.

Together, we’d like to address the following themes:

  • AI and Technology in the Systemic Therapies Educational & Research Spaces: Questions on how to better utilize and grow the understanding of family therapy using AI and Advanced Technologies in educational programs. How can AI and Advanced technology assist in researching family and systemic dynamics?
  • AI and Technology in the Systemic Therapies Clinical Space: Questions on how AI and Advanced technology can support issues of accessibility and client access to quality systemic therapy. How can AI and Advanced technology support the work of systemic and family therapists in clinical spaces? How can it better inform intervention or create new ways to access meaningful intervention?
  • The systemic impact of AI and technology on the global context: Question on how AI and Advanced technology can support systemic and family therapy's global growth and connection. How can AI and AT address the continued and ongoing global crises like climate change, poverty, power and discrimination, etc? How can AI and AT support the accessibility of systemic and family therapy on a global scale?

As we embark on this journey of exploration of our field’s disposition, potential, and vulnerabilities in the face of technology and AI, we invite you to engage deeply, share your insights, and collaborate in shaping the future landscape of systemic family therapy, research, and education.

Together, let us illuminate pathways toward a more connected, responsive, and ethically grounded practice in these transformative times.

Conference Goals

  1. Revisit and review the history and legacy of family therapy to inform potentials and vulnerabilities.
  2. To provide an opportunity for invigorating dialogue and mutual learning in the modern space of AI and AT.
  3. To explore the advancement and creative integration of theory, research, and practice with AI and AT
  4. To welcome new colleagues and support and strengthen our connections
  5. To restore our energy and passion for the challenging work we do each day!

Conference Format

This year, the conference will be fully virtual to support our theme and accessibility to all our colleagues.

The conference will be in two parts: Part one, earlier in the week, will be the all-conference prerecorded and asynchronous sessions that will be opened for viewing by all conference participants. Part two will provide interactional space on Friday and Saturday with live-synchronized keynote and plenary sessions, interest network groups, session Q&A, and panel discussion. CEUs will be offered (more information to come).

Call for Proposals (Submission Deadline Extended!)

Consistent with the broad, virtual theme of the conference, this year, we invite a wide range of proposals that address any aspect of the challenges faced by couples, families, and communities and how AI and Advanced Technology can be utilized to address them in novel, innovative, and integrative ways.
In the spirit of AFTA’s focus on action at the last three conferences, we encourage you to submit work proposals that answer the question, “So what do we DO about it?” We hope that after each presentation, colleagues will leave with practical suggestions about how to best assist the people who come to us for support and actionable guidance.


Types of presentations

  • Asynchronous Brief Presentation (25 min. pre-recorded) with synchronous Teatime sessions (20 minutes live Q &A Friday or Saturday)
  • Asynchronous Poster Presentation (25 min. pre-recorded) with synchronous Teatime sessions (20 minutes live Q &A Friday or Saturday)
  • Interest Group and Action Network (1.5-hour sessions - Live on Friday or Saturday)

In formulating your proposal, we’d encourage you to reflect on the following questions (affirmative answers are not a requirement for a proposal’s acceptance):

  1. How does your work apply AI and AT meaningfully to understanding and assisting persons, couples, families, and communities in all their unique, intersectional sociocultural locations?
  2. How does your work apply AI and AT to contribute to addressing relational inequities and experiences that result in marginalization? The intended effects of your work might be to assist individual couples, families, or communities, or may be focused on a broader social action or policy level.
  3. Does your work potentially address the relationship between living human systems (couples, families, communities, institutions, or organizations), AI and AT, and our ecological context?
Conference Submission Details!
Submit Proposal!

Call for Proposals Deadline Extended to Friday, January 31, 2025!